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This page is about the IIIF Image API. Micrio also is compatible with the IIIF Presentation API.

About IIIF Image API

As taken from

The IIIF Image API was designed to facilitate systematic reuse of image resources in digital image repositories maintained by cultural heritage organizations. The API could be adopted by any image repository or service, and can be used to retrieve static images in response to a properly constructed URL.

The IIIF Image API specifies a web service that returns an image in response to a standard HTTP or HTTPS request. The URI can specify the region, size, rotation, quality characteristics and format of the requested image.

A powerful IIIF feature is their image API specification for servers. This means that any IIIF compatible image viewer (such as OpenSeaDragon, or any of the viewers listed on this IIIF list) can view high resolution tiled images uploaded in Micrio. Also, it's a great standard for delivering straight raw resized, rotated, cropped images for direct use in <img> tags.

This adds tremendous flexibility to your current image infrastructure or preferred viewer.

Static image operations

If you need a dynamic image resizing service which operates stand-alone from your website, you can easily use Micrio-- it doesn't matter how large the original uploads are-- if you want a specific resized version or cutout, you can use a IIIF API URI to specify the details.

  1. A simple crop

    <img src=",.25,.1,.1/512,/0/default.jpg" />

    Sample crop

  2. Cutout, rotated, grayscale, PNG output

    <img src=",.25,.1,.1/512,/180/gray.png" />

    Sample cropped, flipped, grayscale PNG

Using any IIIF image viewer to view images uploaded in and hosted by Micrio

If you have an existing IIIF Viewer in your website, and would like to use Micrio for the image hosting, this is no problem, as all Micrio images come with a IIIF compatible manifest.

Here's an example of using OpenSeaDragon for viewing a Micrio-uploaded image:

	id: 'openseadragon',
	preserveViewport: true,
	visibilityRatio: 1,
	minZoomLevel: 1,
	defaultZoomLevel: 1,
	tileSources: [''],
	prefixUrl: ''

Results in this (fully zoomable):