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Uploading (very) large images to Micrio

Large images can often be many GBs to upload, and depending on the file format, can take a long time for Micrio to succesfully process.

For uploading these images, we advice you to convert your source image to a Tiled Pyramid TIFF. This is a TIFF format that internally consists of already-tiled JPG fragments, and is the best balance between file size and quality, and works best with Micrio's own tilers.

To convert to this format, follow these steps:

  1. Install LibVips on your computer
  2. Open a command prompt/terminal, and go to the folder your image (let's say very-large.psb) is located
  3. Next, create the Tiled Pyramid TIFF:
    vips tiffsave very-large.psb very-large.tif --compression jpeg --Q 75 --pyramid --tile --tile-width 1024 --tile-height 1024
    vips tiffsave very-large.psb very-large.tif --compression jpeg --Q 75 --pyramid --tile --tile-width 1024 --tile-height 1024
  4. Upload very-large.tif to the Micrio dashboard, and it should be processed in a few minutes!