External grid action types

Enumeration Members

back: 5

Go back one grid history step

filterTourImages: 7

If there is a current MarkerTour going on, filter the grid to all grid images that are part of the tour

flyTo: 1

Fly the camera to the bounding box of these in-grid image IDs

focus: 0

Filter the grid display by these IDs, comma separated

focusTagged: 3

Filter the grid to the images containing markers that have this custom class name, and fly to their views

focusWithTagged: 2

Filter the grid to the images containing markers that have this custom class name

nextFadeDuration: 8

Single time fade duration for next image that will be navigated to

reset: 4

Reset the grid to its inception state

switchToGrid: 6

When a grid image is in full-focus, immediately switch to the view as if it were in the initial grid