Virtual ImageInfo extension to support grid logic

interface GridImage {
    albumId?: string;
    area?: View;
    created?: number;
    forceInfoPath?: boolean;
    format?: string;
    height?: number;
    id?: string;
    iiifManifest?: string;
    is360?: boolean;
    isDeepZoom?: boolean;
    isIIIF?: boolean;
    isPng?: boolean;
    isSingle?: boolean;
    isWebP?: boolean;
    lang?: string;
    organisation?: Organisation;
    path?: string;
    revision?: RevisionType;
    settings?: Partial<Settings>;
    size: [number, number?];
    spacesId?: string;
    tileBasePath?: string;
    tileExtension?: string;
    tileSize?: number;
    tilesId?: string;
    title?: string;
    version?: number;
    view?: View;
    width?: number;



albumId?: string

The album (V5+) ID

area?: View
created?: number

Created date

forceInfoPath?: boolean

Force the path attribute to be used to get the info.json data

format?: string

A custom format (dz for DeepZoom, iiif for IIIF)

height?: number

The original image height


id?: string

The image id


iiifManifest?: string

Optional IIIF source for tiles

is360?: boolean

The image is 360 degrees

isDeepZoom?: boolean

The tiled image is in DeepZoom format

isIIIF?: boolean

The image has a IIIF source

isPng?: boolean

The image tiles are in PNG format

isSingle?: boolean

Use a custom, single source uri for the zoomable image / video

isWebP?: boolean

The image tiles are in WebP format

lang?: string

The initial data language

organisation?: Organisation

Optional organisation data

path?: string

The image base path URI, with a trailing /

revision?: RevisionType

For V5+: published revisions per language

settings?: Partial<Settings>

The image settings, such as viewport/UI settings, camera and user event behavior NOTE: to modify this at runtime, use the MicrioImage.settings Writable store.

size: [number, number?]
spacesId?: string

The 360 tour space ID

tileBasePath?: string

Use an alternative basePath for image tiles

tileExtension?: string

Optional custom file extension for tiles

tileSize?: number

The original tile size in px


tilesId?: string

Use an alternative image ID for the image tiles

title?: string

The image title (default: autoloaded)

version?: number

The Micrio version this image was created in


view?: View
width?: number

The original image width

