Settings: {
    _360?: {
        rotX?: number;
        rotY?: number;
        rotZ?: number;
        scale?: number;
        trueNorth?: number;
        video?: Video;
    _markers?: MarkerSettings;
    _meta?: {
        [key: string]: any;
    album?: AlbumInfo;
    alwaysShowMinimap?: boolean;
    audio?: boolean;
    camspeed?: number;
    clusterMarkerRadius?: number;
    clusterMarkers?: boolean;
    cmHeight?: number;
    cmWidth?: number;
    controlZoom?: boolean;
    crossfadeDuration?: number;
    css?: {
        href: string;
    doTourJumps?: boolean;
    dragElasticity?: number;
    fadeBetween?: boolean;
    focus?: [number, number];
    freeMove?: boolean;
    fullscreen?: boolean;
    gallery?: GallerySettings;
    gridClickable?: boolean;
    gridTransitionDuration?: number;
    gridTransitionDurationOut?: number;
    hookDrag?: boolean;
    hookEvents?: boolean;
    hookKeys?: boolean;
    hookPinch?: boolean;
    hookScroll?: boolean;
    infoUrl?: string;
    initType?: string;
    js?: {
        href: string;
    keepRendering?: boolean;
    lazyload?: number;
    limitToCoverScale?: boolean;
    markersScale?: boolean;
    micrioSplitLink?: string;
    minimap?: boolean;
    minimapHeight?: number;
    minimapWidth?: number;
    muteOnBlur?: boolean;
    mutedVolume?: number;
    noControls?: boolean;
    noExternals?: boolean;
    noFollow?: boolean;
    noGTag?: boolean;
    noLogo?: boolean;
    noOrgLogo?: boolean;
    noRetina?: boolean;
    noSmoothing?: boolean;
    noToolbar?: boolean;
    noUI?: boolean;
    noZoom?: boolean;
    omni?: OmniSettings;
    onlyPreferredLang?: boolean;
    pinchZoomOutLimit?: boolean;
    resetView?: boolean;
    restrict?: View;
    routerMarkerTours?: boolean;
    secondaryInteractive?: boolean;
    showInfo?: boolean;
    skipBaseLevels?: number;
    skipMeta?: boolean;
    social?: boolean;
    start?: {
        id: string;
        type: "marker" | "markerTour" | "tour" | "page";
    startVolume?: number;
    static?: boolean;
    theme?: "dark" | "light" | "os";
    thumbSrc?: string;
    twoFingerPan?: boolean;
    ui?: Partial<UserInterfaceSettings>;
    view?: View;
    zoomLimit?: number;
    zoomLimitDPRFix?: boolean;

Micrio image settings, which is on load included as ImageInfo.settings.

Type declaration

  • Optional _360?: {
        rotX?: number;
        rotY?: number;
        rotZ?: number;
        scale?: number;
        trueNorth?: number;
        video?: Video;

    Optional settings for 360 images/video

    • Optional rotX?: number

      2D embed X rotation in 360

    • Optional rotY?: number

      2D embed Y rotation in 360

    • Optional rotZ?: number

      2D embed Z rotation in 360

    • Optional scale?: number

      2D embed IFRAME scale

    • Optional trueNorth?: number

      Y rotation true north correction

    • Optional video?: Video

      A 360 video object

  • Optional _markers?: MarkerSettings

    Optional marker settings

  • Optional _meta?: {
        [key: string]: any;

    Freeform custom settings, this is the "Custom JSON" field in the image editor

    • [key: string]: any
  • Optional album?: AlbumInfo
  • Optional alwaysShowMinimap?: boolean

    Don't fade out the minimap (default: false)

  • Optional audio?: boolean

    Enable the audio controller (default: true)

  • Optional camspeed?: number

    The camera animation speed (default: 1)

  • Optional clusterMarkerRadius?: number

    The clustered marker radius

  • Optional clusterMarkers?: boolean

    Overlapping markers are clustered

  • Optional cmHeight?: number

    The physical height of the object in cm

  • Optional cmWidth?: number

    The physical width of the object in cm

  • Optional controlZoom?: boolean

    Force using the CTRL/CMD-keys to zoom in using scrolling (default: false)

  • Optional crossfadeDuration?: number

    Optional image crossfade duration, in seconds

  • Optional css?: {
        href: string;

    Load a custom CSS file with this image

    • href: string

      The asset href

  • Optional doTourJumps?: boolean

    More natural camera zooming animation during transitions (default: true)

  • Optional dragElasticity?: number

    Kinetic dragging sensitivity (default: 1)

  • Optional fadeBetween?: boolean

    Do a crossfade when navigating between images (default: true)

  • Optional focus?: [number, number]

    Load a cover-initing image focussed on this coordinate ([x, y])

  • Optional freeMove?: boolean

    Allow the user to pan and zoom out of image bounds

  • Optional fullscreen?: boolean

    Show a fullscreen button if supported

  • Optional gallery?: GallerySettings


  • Optional gridClickable?: boolean

    Grid: can click individual grid images

  • Optional gridTransitionDuration?: number

    Grid: transition duration, in seconds

  • Optional gridTransitionDurationOut?: number

    Grid: transition duration going back, in seconds

  • Optional hookDrag?: boolean

    Allow panning through the image (default: true)

  • Optional hookEvents?: boolean

    Hook user events (default: true)

  • Optional hookKeys?: boolean

    Hook keyboard controls (default: false)

  • Optional hookPinch?: boolean

    Allow pinch to zoom on touch devices (default: true)

  • Optional hookScroll?: boolean

    Use the mousewheel or trackpad scrolling for zooming (default: true)

  • Optional infoUrl?: string

    Use a custom uri for the info json file

  • Optional initType?: string

    The starting viewport. Possible values cover and contain. Defaults to contain

  • Optional js?: {
        href: string;

    Load a custom JS file with this image

    • href: string

      The asset href

  • Optional keepRendering?: boolean

    Don't stop drawing frames when idle

  • Optional lazyload?: number

    Initialize the image when the container is scrolled into view (default: false)

  • Optional limitToCoverScale?: boolean

    The user cannot zoom out more than a fully covered view

  • Optional markersScale?: boolean

    All markers are scaled with the image

  • Optional micrioSplitLink?: string

    A static split-screen Micrio Image ID

  • Optional minimap?: boolean

    Show the minimap (default: true)

  • Optional minimapHeight?: number

    The minimap maximum height, in px (default: 160)

  • Optional minimapWidth?: number

    The minimap maximum width, in px (default: 200)

  • Optional muteOnBlur?: boolean

    Mute the audio when the current browser tab loses focus

  • Optional mutedVolume?: number

    The audio volume when other media is playing [0-1] (default: 0)

  • Optional noControls?: boolean

    Don't show any controls in the UI

  • Optional noExternals?: boolean

    Don't load any custom JS or CSS scripts

  • Optional noFollow?: boolean

    When this is a secondary image, don't follow the main image's navigation

  • Optional noGTag?: boolean

    Don't load GTM module

  • Optional noLogo?: boolean

    Don't show the Micrio logo on the top left

  • Optional noOrgLogo?: boolean

    Don't show the organisation logo on the top right

  • Optional noRetina?: boolean

    Turn off support for high DPI screens

  • Optional noSmoothing?: boolean

    Don't smooth out pixels when zooming in > 100%

  • Optional noToolbar?: boolean

    Don't show the menu bar with tours and custom pages

  • Optional noUI?: boolean

    Don't load any UI elements

  • Optional noZoom?: boolean

    Don't allow the user to zoom in or out

  • Optional omni?: OmniSettings


  • Optional onlyPreferredLang?: boolean

    Don't auto-load first available non-preferred data language

  • Optional pinchZoomOutLimit?: boolean

    Don't allow less than minimum scale zooming when pinching

  • Optional resetView?: boolean

    When navigating back to this image from another image, reset the initial view

  • Optional restrict?: View

    Restrict navigation to this viewport ([x0,y0,x1,y1])

  • Optional routerMarkerTours?: boolean

    With routing enabled, enable marker/tour deeplinks

  • Optional secondaryInteractive?: boolean

    When this is a secondary image in split screen, allow independent navigating

  • Optional showInfo?: boolean

    Show an info modal with the image title and description

  • Optional skipBaseLevels?: number

    Skip the deepest zoom levels

  • Optional skipMeta?: boolean

    Don't load this image's ImageData.ImageData (markers, tours, etc)

  • Optional social?: boolean

    Show a social sharing button

  • Optional start?: {
        id: string;
        type: "marker" | "markerTour" | "tour" | "page";

    When opening the image without a predefined deeplink, open this

    • id: string
    • type: "marker" | "markerTour" | "tour" | "page"
  • Optional startVolume?: number

    The starting audio volume [0-1] (default: 1)

  • Optional static?: boolean

    Render this image as a static image

  • Optional theme?: "dark" | "light" | "os"

    Dark/light theme

  • Optional thumbSrc?: string

    Use a custom thumbnail image uri

  • Optional twoFingerPan?: boolean

    Force two-finger panning on touch devices (default: false)

  • Optional ui?: Partial<UserInterfaceSettings>

    UI customizations

  • Optional view?: View

    The starting viewport ([x0,y0,x1,y1])

  • Optional zoomLimit?: number

    The maximum zoom level in % of the original (default: 1)

  • Optional zoomLimitDPRFix?: boolean

    Adjust the maximum zoom of high DPI screens to that of regular displays