GallerySettings: {
    archive?: string;
    archiveLayerOffset?: number;
    coverPages?: number;
    isSpreads?: boolean;
    revisions?: {
        [key: string]: RevisionType;
    sort?: "name" | "-name" | "created" | "-created";
    startId?: string;
    type?: "swipe" | "swipe-full" | "switch" | "omni" | "grid";

Type declaration

  • Optional archive?: string

    Gallery has an associated .bin archive with thumbnails

  • Optional archiveLayerOffset?: number

    Archive layer offset

  • Optional coverPages?: number

    For spreads, number of cover pages to show as single page

  • Optional isSpreads?: boolean

    Pages are combined to 2x1 spreads

  • Optional revisions?: {
        [key: string]: RevisionType;
  • Optional sort?: "name" | "-name" | "created" | "-created"

    Gallery sorting

  • Optional startId?: string

    The gallery opening image ID

  • Optional type?: "swipe" | "swipe-full" | "switch" | "omni" | "grid"

    Gallery type