Base image data

The MicrioData.ImageInfo.ImageInfo JSON data object, used to pass to

The static image information, such as original resolution, image type, title, and all non-language specific settings (ImageInfo.Settings), such as initial viewport, camera behavior, and 360° settings.

The only required field is id. If only the id field is specified, Micrio attempts to download the additional image data by itself (info.json), published by the Micrio servers. This data will also include image title, and any custom viewing settings set in the image editor.

This is a minimal accepted example:

"id": "dzzLm",

If you have manually entered the image width and height, it will not download the info.json file, assuming you have provided correct and complete data:

"id": "dzzLm",
"width": 41472,
"height": 30219

Optionally, when using HTMLMicrioElement <micr-io> tag attributes, these will overwrite whatever is loaded from the server. So if in the Micrio editor you have enabled the fullscreen toggle button, you can disable it in your own HTML using <micr-io data-fullscreen="false">.



Type Aliases