An individual Micrio image


Marcel Duin


Q42 Internet BV, Micrio, 2015 - 2024

Link ,


album?: Album

Album info if image is part of an album (V5+)

camera: Camera

The virtual camera instance to control the current main image views

data: Writable<ImageData> = ...

The Micrio culture data Writable

embeds: MicrioImage[] = []

Embedded in-image children

error: string

Error, if any

grid: Grid

Grid controller

id: string

The image id

The Micrio info data Readable store

openedView: View

The last opened view

opts: {
    area?: View;
    isEmbed?: boolean;
    isPassive?: boolean;
    secondaryTo?: MicrioImage;
    useParentCamera?: boolean;
} = {}

Optional settings

Type declaration

  • Optional area?: View

    Optional sub area for partial / embedded images

  • Optional isEmbed?: boolean

    This is an in-image embed

  • Optional isPassive?: boolean

    Follow the movements of the main image

  • Optional secondaryTo?: MicrioImage

    For split screen, the image this is secondary to

  • Optional useParentCamera?: boolean

    For non-independent embeds, use the parent's .camera

settings: Writable<Settings> = ...

The image settings Writable

state: State.Image

State manager

Gallery swiper instance

tileBase: string

The tile basePath

uuid: string = ...

Unique instance id

video: Writable<HTMLVideoElement> = ...

The 2D or 360 video MediaElement

viewport: Writable<View> = ...

Rendered pixel rectangle [left, top, width, height]

visible: Writable<boolean> = ...

The canvas is currently visible

wasm: Wasm

The global Wasm controller



  • Fade in the individual image


    • direct: boolean = false

    Returns void

  • Parameters

    • direct: boolean = false

    Returns void