Module SvelteStore

Svelte stores in Micrio

Micrio uses Svelte Stores for its internal state management.

This means that changes in values can passively trigger state updates.

There are two types of stores: Readable, which is read-only for the user, and Writable which can be updated or overridden by the user.

Typically, for accessing the data directly instead of its store, Micrio offers $ prefixes to any store properties:

// This is the current active image in <micr-io> (.current is the store Writable)
const image = micrio.$current;

// The current image ImageInfo value
const info = image.$info;

// Log the current image resolution
console.log(`The current image is ${info.width} x ${info.height}px`);

// The current CultureData value of the current MicrioImage

An example of setting and subscribing to the writable store:

// Subscribe to any changes in its data (markers, tours, etc) => {
// Data for this image been set, removed or changed
// This also triggers when the image data has been loaded from the server
if(data) console.log(`The image now has ${data.markers.length} markers`);
else console.log('The image data is now empty.');

// Let's set the image data to something. It expects ImageData.{
markers: [{
"title": "My First Marker",
"x": .5,
"y": .5

// Immediately access the data
console.log('The data has been set to', image.$data);

List of stores used by Micrio:

Property Direct value getter Type Description
<micr-io> Element
.Micrio.HTMLMicrioElement.current Micrio.HTMLMicrioElement.$current Writable<Micrio.MicrioImage> The current active and shown Micrio.MicrioImage
<micr-io>.state controller
.Micrio.State.Main.tour Micrio.State.Main.$tour Writable<Micrio.Models.ImageData.MarkerTour | Micrio.Models.ImageData.VideoTour> The current running VideoTour or MarkerTour
.Micrio.State.Main.marker Micrio.State.Main.$marker Writable<Micrio.Models.ImageData.Marker> The current opened marker in the current opened Micrio.MicrioImage
Individual MicrioImage Micrio.MicrioImage.$info Readable<Micrio.Models.ImageInfo> The static image base info Micrio.MicrioImage.$data Writable<Micrio.Models.ImageData> The image data (markers, tours, etc)
MicrioImage.state controller
.Micrio.State.Image.view Micrio.State.Image.$view Writable<Micrio.Models.Camera.View> The current viewport
.Micrio.State.Main.marker Micrio.State.Main.$marker Writable<Micrio.Models.ImageData.Marker> The current opened marker of this image



Type Aliases